News (& Stuff) by Andreea

News  (& Stuff) by Andreea

On a plus envie de "facebooker" que de faire l'amour



Selon uné étude récente menée par des chercheurs américains en Allemagne, les jeunes ont plus envie de se connecter sur Facebook ou Twitter, mettre à jour le status ou checker l'e-mail que d'entretenir des relations sexuelles.


Ci-dessous quelques extraits en anglais de l'article de Sarah Mitroff, posté sur le site Wired 


"Wilhelm Hofmann, assistant professor of Behavioral Science at the University of Chicago, conducted a study of 205 participants in Germany 18 years and older on how easy it is to resist common desires. Each person was given a BlackBerry phone and told to alert the researchers every 30 minutes if they had specific desires to sleep, eat, have sex, smoke, drink, or surf the web.

The No. 1 desire reported was eating, followed by sleeping, and drinking non-alcoholic drinks. In fourth place was using some form of media, which made up 8.1 percent of all desires reported. The most commonly reported media activities were watching TV and surfing the internet. More specifically, in the “surfing the internet” category, 71 percent of participants had the urge to check their e-mail and 65 percent had the desire to use Facebook, Twitter or other social media. Having sex was a distant ninth."

"When participants tried to resist their desires, particularly checking Facebook, they failed 42 percent of the time. In contrast, only 11 percent of people trying to resist sex failed (which is to say, almost 90 percent of the time someone resisted the urge, sex was a no-go). Those resisting the compulsion to eat failed 22 percent of the time, and participants that resisted using tobacco had a 17 percent failure rate. Sadly, only resisting the urge to work trumped checking social media, with a 43 percent failure rate.

“Media desires were quite frequent and, most important, particularly hard to control (when people indicated that they had actually wanted to do so),” says Hofmann. “These findings may be one important piece in the puzzle of problematic media use as they show that people had a particularly hard time resisting the call of media, perhaps because due to the constant availability of media.”"


Pour résumer, les médias, l'immédiateté et l'instant gratification, ainsi que la parade sociale ont envahi notre quotidien. Le smartphone est devenu un vrai prolongement de la main qui est en train de prendre le dessus ou presque.


Et vous, quel est votre rapport aux réseaux sociaux ?


Bye Bye !


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